Satori wallpaper Hero Wars

Satori Guide Hero Wars Alliance

  • By: Alexandre Domingos.Last updated: April 11, 2024
Main Attributes
Position: Front Line
Function: Assassin
Glyph Class: Mage
Main Stat: Intelligence
Faction: Mystery
How to Farm: Events, Heroic Chest, Highwaymen shop
Tier List Rank
Hero Tier List: A+
Hydra Tier List: C

Mastering Satori: A Comprehensive Guide to Hero Wars Alliance

In the realm of Hero Wars, Satori emerges as a formidable mage hero, capable of turning the tide of battle with strategic precision. His unique ability to mark enemies and unleash devastating damage based on the number of marks applied sets him apart as a key player in any team composition. However, his vulnerability in defense necessitates careful planning and protection to ensure his effectiveness on the battlefield.

Understanding Satori's Abilities

At the core of Satori's prowess lies his ability to mark enemies, paving the way for unparalleled damage potential. By strategically applying marks, Satori can unleash a barrage of attacks that can decimate even the most resilient foes. However, his lack of defense makes him a prime target for enemies, emphasizing the need for proper protection and support.

Exploring Satori's Abilities

Satori's skill set epitomizes his mastery over arcane forces, each ability honed to inflict maximum devastation upon his enemies.

Strategic Deployment

When deploying Satori, positioning is key. Placing him behind tanks and support heroes can ensure that he remains safe while still being able to unleash his devastating attacks. Additionally, timing is crucial when using Satori's abilities, as coordinating his marks with the rest of the team's attacks can maximize damage output.

Unlocking Satori's Full Potential

Satori is a powerful mage hero in Hero Wars Alliance, best utilized in strong end-game teams alongside other mages. By understanding his abilities and pairing him with the right heroes, players can unleash his full potential and dominate the battlefield. With strategic planning and proper support, Satori can truly shine as a key player in the world of Hero Wars.

Satori's Talisman Guide

The acquisition of Satori's talisman bestows upon him augmented magical defense, increased magical attack, and substantial magical penetration, thereby solidifying his status as a formidable force on the battlefield. Moreover, with the advent of the glyph class in Hero Wars Alliance, wherein mage-class characters receive supplemental energy, Satori emerges as a potent countermeasure against all mage adversaries.

Talisman of Cunning Attributes
Slot Statistics Maximum Points
0 Intelligence +2000
1 Magic Penetration +3600
2 Magic Penetration +3600
3 Magic Penetration +3600

Satori Positive and Negative Points

Satori Positive Points

  • Skill that steals intelligence and steals enemy life
  • Becomes Immune to Control
  • Deals a lot of damage

Satori Negative Points

  • Low physical resistance and fight on the front line
  • Satori can't kill Rufus
  • Celeste and Nebula can remove the marks
  • Iris Penalizes Marks

Satori Stats Evolution Priority

Satori Priority

Magic Penetration
Magic Attack

Satori Artifacts Priority

Weapon (Magic Attack)

Satori Skins Priority

Magic Penetration
Magic Attack
Magical Defense

Harnessing the Power of Satori's New Skin

With his new magic defense and magic penetration skin, Satori becomes an even more formidable force on the battlefield. The increased magic defense makes him more resilient against enemy mages, while the magic penetration allows him to bypass enemy defenses more effectively. This makes Satori teams a formidable force to be reckoned with in Hero Wars Alliance battles.

Satori with beach beach, Hero Wars Mobile.
Satori with beach skin, Hero Wars Mobile.

Satori's Confrontation with the Hydra

While Satori may not stand out as a primary counter against hydras, his vampirism ability grants him a lifeline in prolonged engagements, enabling him to withstand their onslaught and inflict considerable damage in return. A well-rounded team composition, such as Helio, Dorian, Orion, Satori, and Rufus, showcases his resilience and offensive capabilities, culminating in formidable damage output against the wind Hydra.

  • Satori's team suggestion for Wind Hydra: Helio, Dorian, Orion, Satori, Rufus (Damage: 4M to 6M)

Satori in Battles

Strong Against

Satori is strong in especially against heroes that receive extra energy like Orion, Jorgen, Andvari, and K'arkh, and also enemies that have little magical defense.

Satori can be strong against Iris' teams if Celeste is on her team. As Celeste will clear, the negative effect applied by Iris and Satori will use her Ultimate quickly, causing a lot of damage to enemies, which is why it is very common to see Satori's teams with Celeste.

  • Orion, Andvari, Krista & Lars, K`arkh, Martha, Hélio, Tristan, Keira, Jorgen(on physical teams)

Countering Satori's Adversaries:

While Satori reigns supreme on the battlefield, he is not impervious to counter-strategies. Nebula and Celeste pose formidable challenges, capable of dispelling Satori's marks and undermining his offensive capabilities. Strategic alliances with heroes like Cornelius and Rufus prove invaluable, bolstering magical defense and thwarting Satori's adversaries.

  • Cornelius, Phobos, Iris, Rufus, Celeste, Nebula, Jorgen(in magic teams)

Satori Best Teams

Building the Ideal Team Composition

To fully utilize Satori's abilities, it is crucial to build a team that complements his strengths and covers his weaknesses. Pairing Satori with tanks such as Aurora, Astaroth, or Cleaver can provide the necessary protection, allowing him to focus on dealing damage. Additionally, support heroes like Martha or Thea can provide healing and buffs, further enhancing Satori's effectiveness on the battlefield.

Satori Best Teams
# Heroes
1 Amira, Judge, Satori, Astaroth, Julius
2 Lian, Judge, Satori, Astaroth, Julius
3 Faceless, Judge, Satori, Astaroth, Julius
4 Amira, Celeste, Judge, Satori, Julius
5 Faceless, Amira, Judge, Satori, Julius
6 Faceless, Amira, Celeste, Satori, Astaroth
7 Martha, Faceless, Amira, Satori, Astaroth
8 Martha, Amira, Celeste, Satori, Astaroth
9 Lian, Amira, Celeste, Satori, Astaroth
10 Faceless, Jorgen, Celeste, Satori, Astaroth
11 Martha, Faceless, Jorgen, Satori, Astaroth
12 Martha, Jorgen, Celeste, Satori, Astaroth
13 Lian, Jorgen, Celeste, Satori, Astaroth

Forging the Ultimate Team

Assembling an optimal team composition centered around Satori demands a keen understanding of his strengths, weaknesses, and synergistic dynamics. From the formidable alliance of Amira, Celeste, and Astaroth to the strategic versatility of Faceless, Jorgen, and Lian, each configuration capitalizes on Satori's abilities while mitigating his vulnerabilities, paving the path to victory in the tumultuous battles that lie ahead.

Satori Guide Conclusion

In battle, Satori thrives against adversaries with low magical defense and those susceptible to his marks. Formidable against heroes such as Orion, Jorgen, Andvari, and K'arkh, Satori's prowess is further accentuated by strategic alliances with Celeste, countering the pernicious effects of Iris' teams.

Mastering Satori demands a nuanced understanding of his abilities, synergies, and optimal strategies for deployment. As players navigate the turbulent waters of battle, Satori stands as a beacon of arcane might, ready to unleash devastation upon his foes. Embrace his power, hone your tactics, and pave the path to victory alongside Satori, the harbinger of destruction and redemption in Hero Wars.

Video suggestion

Video: How to level up Satori, Hero Wars.

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